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Just Around Town - Page 2 of 7 - Fun Activities and Ideas Near You

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6 Classy and Tasteful Funeral Gift Ideas

Losing a loved one, whether it’s a family member or a close friend can be hard on everyone involved. While you want to do everything, you can to ensure the family is taken care of, when it comes to a funeral gift idea, many of us are...

8 Popular Types of Surveillance Equipment

There’s a wide array of surveillance equipment, which can be used to monitor audio, visual, and communication data. While some are widely available and easily accessible, others are financially or legally out of reach to anyone else except government agencies. For security purposes, the surveillance equipment you...

7 Popular Types of Laptops in the Market

A laptop is a small portable computer for use in temporary spaces. They were initially invented for placement on a person’s laps, hence the name laptops. You can use them in a variety of settings; at work, in college, to play games, surf the internet, among other things....

7 Types of Medical Cannabis That Make Great Gifts

Since the Canadian government legalized marijuana, the pot industry has contributed more than $8.25 billion to the nation’s gross domestic product. Although the novelty of marijuana has waned, causing sales to drop, it is still an enormous market. Whenever there is a demand for something, the private...

Getting a Divorce: 7 Best Divorce Gifts for Him

The good news that is throughout North America, divorce rates are in decline, particularly amongst younger generations. The bad news is that people still get divorced very frequently and they always will, raving the lives of grown men and women and the children they have. And because...

7 Intellectually Fun Games for Old People to Play

You may have reached your twilight years but that doesn’t mean that you need to give up on fun. There are plenty of games and activities that are great for older people and seniors; any number of them could be your new favorite thing to do. Some...

7 Hilariously Fun Indoor Dog Activities and Games

Here in Canada, the weather dictates how long or often we take our best friends out for some activity. While there are people and dogs who are not bothered by this, there are those who are. Not everyone loves to spend half an hour in minus thirty...

4 Best Choices of White Wine for Beginners

While wine may be a hugely popular beverage, it can also be an acquired taste. This is how it can truly be appreciated. Someone just starting out may have to start with lighter flavours in order to fully appreciate a wine and all of its fragrances and...

9 Must Have Bike Accessories and Items

Biking essentials are sometimes come out of necessity to maximize safety, make a ride more comfortable, add a new dynamic, or are just plain cool to have. An experienced cyclist or a beginner is well recommended to have the necessities on this gear list. Remember to use...